As the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Rockford Region, Region 1 Planning Council (R1) is empowered by cooperative agreement. To learn more, visit the Metropolitan Planning Organization page.
Winnebago County (Chair), Boone County (Vice-Chair), City of Belvidere, City of Loves Park, City of Rockford, IDOT District 2, Rockford Mass Transit District, Village of Machesney Park
- 1/26/2024 8:30 AM - Agenda (pdf) - Minutes (pdf)
- 3/22/2024 8:30 AM - Agenda (pdf) - Minutes (pdf) - Packet (pdf) - Meeting Link
- 5/31/2024 8:30 AM - Agenda (pdf) - Minutes (pdf) - Packet (pdf) - Meeting Link
- 6/28/2024 8:30 AM - Agenda (pdf) - Minutes (pdf) - Packet (pdf) - Meeting Link
- 8/23/2024 8:30 AM - Agenda (pdf) - Minutes (pdf) - Packet (pdf) - Meeting Link
- 10/1/2024 8:30 AM - Agenda (pdf) - Minutes (pdf) - Meeting Link
- 10/17/2024 8:30 AM - Agenda (pdf) - Packet (pdf) - Meeting Link
- 1/31/2025 8:30 AM - Agenda (pdf) - Packet (pdf)
- 3/28/2025 8:30 AM - Agenda (pdf) - Packet (pdf)
- 5/2/2025 8:30 AM
- 6/27/2025 8:30 AM
- 8/29/2025 8:30 AM
- 10/31/2025 8:30 AM
MPO Cooperative Agreement (Revised August 23, 2018)
Metropolitan Transportation Planning Process Certification (Dated August 30, 2024)
Resolution 2024-01: Amendment to the FY 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2024-02: Adoption of the Safety (PM1) and Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan Performance Management Targets
Resolution 2024-03: Adoption of the Complete Streets Policy
Resolution 2024-06: Surface Transportation Block Grant Funds
Resolution 2024-07: Amendment to the FY 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2024-08: Adoption of the Complete Streets Design Guidelines
Resolution 2024-09: Adoption of the FY 2025 MPO Unified Work Program
Resolution 2024-11: Rockford Metropolitan Agency for Planning Adjusted Urbanized Area and Metropolitan Planning Area
Resolution 2024-12: Amendment to the FY 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2024-13: Adoption of the FY 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2023-01: Adoption of Performance Measure Targets
Resolution 2023-02: Amendment to the FY 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2023-03: Adoption of the Public Participation Plan
Resolution 2023-04: Adoption of the Transportation System Management & Operations Plan
Resolution 2023-05: Amendment to the FY 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2023-06: Award of Surface Transportation Block Grant Funds
Resolution 2023-07: Amendment to the FY 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2023-08: Amendment to the FY 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2023-09: Adoption of the FY 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2023-10: Adoption of the FY 2024 Unified Work Program
Resolution 2023-11: Amendment to the IL-173 Corridor Access Plan
Resolution 2023-12: Amendment to the FY 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2023-13: Adoption of the Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan
Resolution 2023-14: Amendment to the FY 2024 Unified Work Program
Resolution 2023-15: Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Award
Resolution 2023-16: Amendment to the FY 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2022-01: Adoption of the Safety Performance Management Targets
Resolution 2022-02: Amendment to the FY 2022-2025 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2022-03: MPO Local Contribution Funds
Resolution 2022-04: Amendment to the FY 2022-2025 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2022-05: FY 2022 Surface Transportation Block Grant Funds
Resolution 2022-06: Amendment to the FY 2022 Unified Work Program
Resolution 2022-07: Adoption of the Charter for the MPO Transportation Alternative Selection Committee
Resolution 2022-08: MPO Title VI/Environmental Justice (EJ) Considerations and MPO Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan
Resolution 2022-09: Adoption of The FY 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2022-10: Adoption of the FY 2023 MPO Unified Work Program
Resolution 2022-11: Amendment to the FY 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2022-12: Amendment to the FY 2023 Unified Work Program
Resolution 2021-01: Amendment to the FY 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (Signed copy unavailable due to COVID restrictions)
Resolution 2021-02: Adoption of the Safety Performance Management Targets (Signed copy unavailable due to COVID restrictions)
Resolution 2021-03: Adoption of the Pavement & Bridge Condition Performance Management Targets (Signed copy unavailable due to COVID restrictions)
Resolution 2021-04: Adoption of the Transit Safety Performance Management Targets (PTASP) (Signed copy unavailable due to COVID restrictions)
Resolution 2021-05: Amendment to the FY 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program ((Signed copy unavailable due to COVID restrictions)
Resolution 2021-06: Amendment to the FY 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (Signed copy unavailable due to COVID restrictions)
Resolution 2021-07: Amendment to the FY 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (Signed copy unavailable due to COVID restrictions)
Resolution 2021-08: Adoption of the 2021 Greenways: A Greenways Plan for Boone, Ogle, and Winnebago Counties (Signed copy unavailable due to COVID restrictions)
Resolution 2021-09: Adoption of the Electric Vehicle Readiness Plan for the Rockford Region (Signed copy unavailable due to COVID restrictions)
Resolution 2021-10: Project Selection for STBG and Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act funds (Signed copy unavailable due to COVID restrictions)
Resolution 2021-11: Amendment to the FY 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2021-12: Adoption of the FY 2022 MPO Unified Work Program
Resolution 2021-13: Adoption of the Transportation Safety Plan for the Rockford Region
Resolution 2021-14: Amendment to the FY 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2021-15: Adoption of the FY 2022-2025 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2021-16: Amendment to the FY 2022 Unified Work Program
Resolution 2021-17: Adoption of the Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan
Resolution 2021-18: Amendment to the FY 2022-2025 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2021-19: Inclusion of Additional MPO Technical Committee Voting Members
Resolution 2021-20: Amendment to the FY 2022-2025 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2020-01: Amendment to FY2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2020-02: Amendment to FY2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program (Signed copy unavailable due to COVID restrictions)
Resolution 2020-03: Amendment to FY2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program (Signed copy unavailable due to COVID restrictions)
Resolution 2020-04: Adoption of the FY 2021 MPO Unified Work Program (Signed copy unavailable due to COVID restrictions)
Resolution 2020-05: Amendment to FY2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program (Signed copy unavailable due to COVID restrictions)
Resolution 2020-06: Adoption of the 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan for the Rockford Region (Signed copy unavailable due to COVID restrictions)
Resolution 2020-07: Adoption of the FY2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (Signed copy unavailable due to COVID restrictions)
Resolution 2020-08: Amendment to FY2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (Signed copy unavailable due to COVID restrictions)
Resolution 2020-09: Amendment to FY2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (Signed copy unavailable due to COVID restrictions)
Resolution 2020-10: Amendment to FY2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (Signed copy unavailable due to COVID restrictions)
Resolution 2019-01: Amendment to FY2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2019-02: Title VI/Environmental Justice Considerations and Limited English Proficiency Plan
Resolution 2019-03: IDOT Safety Performance Management Targets
Resolution 2019-04: IDOT Transit Asset Management Targets
Resolution 2019-05: Amendment to FY2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2019-06: Alternative Transportation Committee Bylaws (2/28/2019)
Resolution 2019-07: Amendment to FY2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2019-08: FY2020 Unified Work Program, July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020
Resolution 2019-09: Amendment to FY2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2019-10: Amendment to FY2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2019-11: Adoption of FY2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2019-12: Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Program Project Selection Criteria and Programming Process
Resolution 2019-13: Amendment to FY2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2019-14: IDOT Safety Performance Management Targets
Resolution 2019-15: MPO Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Funds
Resolution 2019-16: Amendment to FY2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2018-01: IDOT Safety Performance Management Targets
Resolution 2018-02: Amendment to FY2018-2021 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2018-03: National Highway System Designation Update
Resolution 2018-04: Procedure to Amend and Modify the RMAP Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2018-05: F Y2019 Unified Work Program, July 1, 2018
Resolution 2018-06: Public Participation Plan
Resolution 2018-07: TAP Scoring Guidance Application
Resolution 2018-08: Amendment to the FY2018-2021 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2018-09: Performance Measures IGA
Resolution 2018-10: Creation of Alternative Transportation Committee
Resolution 2018-11: Transportation Alternative Program Funds
Resolution 2018-12: Amendment to the FY2018-2021 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2018-13: Adoption of the FY2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2018-14: RMAP MPO Cooperative Agreement
Resolution 2018-15: Amendment to the FY2019-2022 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2018-16: Pavement & Bridge Condition and System Performance IDOT Targets
For MPO resolutions adopted prior to 2018, please contact: Sydney Turner, Director of Planning, sturner@r1planning.org
Procedures to Amend & Modify the Transportation Improvement Program (adopted 02/22/2018)
Complete Streets Policy for the Rockford Region (adopted 01/26/2024)
- Complete Streets Design Standards (adopted 05/31/2024)
Staff Liason
Tim Verbeke, Transportation Principal
815-319-4185 direct | tverbeke@r1planning.org