Region 1 Planning Council has produced the following documents in whole or in part.
(This is not a complete list. Certain projects and their related documents can be found under their respective team's landing page.)
The UWP identifies the funds and activities to be conducted by the MPO during a fiscal year (July 1 - June 30). These activities are funded with federal, state, and local resources. The UWP is a federally-required statement of work identifying the planning priorities and activities to be carried out within a metropolitan area.
The TIP contains all improvements that are planned for the surface transportation system.
The level and quality of the transportation planning process is provided in a nondiscriminatory manner; promote full and fair participation in transportation decision-making without regard to race, color, or national origin; it ensures meaningful access to transportation planning-related programs and activities by persons with limited English proficiency.
Environmental Justice (EJ) builds on to Title VI by including the consideration of the impacts to low-income populations in addition to minority populations into transportation planning and decision-making processes.
This plan sets forth the policies, procedures, methods and details for involving the general public and area transportation stakeholders in the transportation planning and programming activities.
A wide range of citizen, community, and technical input is attributed to developing and maintaining this plan for a safe and efficient multi-modal transportation system that will meet the goals, objectives, and needs of citizens, business, and industry for decades to come.
As required for all projects receiving federal funding, the MPO cooperatively develops a listing of projects for which any federal funds were obligated in the preceding fiscal year of its Transportation Improvement Program (TIP.)
The Transportation Equity Acts and Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act require a planning process to include analysis of urban congestion, provide short and long-range goals, and objectives and strategies to mitigate the effects of congestion.
Health + Transportation Study 2024
WCCMHB Strategic Plan 2.0 PY 4-6
Community Needs Assessment, Community Action Agency, 2022
WCCMHB Strategic Plan 2022-2024, November 2021
McHenry Human Service Transportation Study, 2021
Healthy Community Study: Community Health Status Assessment, 2020
Sequential Intercept Mapping - Boone County Behavioral Health Task Force, 2018
Crime Perception Survey Results, 2019
Crime Perception Survey Results, 2017
Comparison of Crime Perception Survey Responses, 2019 to 2017
Focused Deterrence Final Research Report, July 2020
Focused Deterrence Rockford Community Citizen Perception Survey, February 2018
Rockford Police Officer Survey, September 2019
Winnebago County Prison Use Bulletin, November 2018
Reproduction permitted citing Region 1 Planning Council, Rockford, Illinois,