Each year, Region 1 Planning Council (R1), serving as the Rockford Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), develops a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The purpose of the TIP is to document infrastructure and non-infrastructure transportation projects programmed within the Rockford metropolitan planning area (MPA) for the next four fiscal years. This includes all surface transportation projects receiving Federal and State funding, projects of regional significance, and public transportation operations and/or capital.
As noted above, the TIP contains all transportation projects that receive federal and state funds and those that are regionally significant regardless of funding source that will occur over the next four fiscal years. Regionally significant projects are defined as a transportation project that is on a facility which serves regional transportation needs. This includes highway, public transit, bicycle, and pedestrian projects, as well as intelligent transportation system (ITS) and freight-related projects. While not federally-required to be included with TIP, the MPO has decided to include locally-sponsored transportation projects within the MPA in order to improve local communication, coordination, and transparency.
The currently adopted TIP, titled Transportation Improvement Program for FY 2025-2028 was approved by the MPO Policy Committee on August 23, 2024 via Resolution 2024-13.
Public involvement is an important component in the development and maintenance of the TIP and is welcome at all stages of the process. Comments can be directed to Nathan Larsen, Metropolitan Planner, at 815-319-4180 or by e-mail at nlarsen@r1planning.org.
TIP Development
R1 is now taking project submissions for the FY 2026 - FY 2029 TIP for the Rockford region. Agencies have until 12:00 pm on Friday, February 21 to submit new projects using the form linked below. More information on the development process can be found in this memo.
Comments and questions can be directed to Nathan Larsen, Metropolitan Planner, at nlarsen@r1planning.org or by phone at 815-319-4180.
TIP Amendments & Administrative Modifications
Overall maintenance of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is required throughout the fiscal year. In order to effectively manage a revision procedure for TIP updates, the MPO has created a process for the TIP to be formally amended and modified. The full process can be read in the 2025 Transportation Improvement Program Policies & Procedures. Adopted amendments and administrative modifications to the FY 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program can be found below.
Adopted Amendments - 1/31/25
Pending Amendments - None
Administrative Modifications
Administrative Modifications - No administrative modifications.
Interactive TIP
The Interactive TIP is a tool to view projects that are within the MPO’s FY 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program. Each project features information that provides a high-level summary of the project scope, funding sources/costs, and project sponsor. It provides the most up-to-date information the MPO has on each project.
The map currently only features projects that have specific project locations and/or extents. Other projects listed in the FY 2025-2028 TIP that are labelled as district-wide and city-wide are not visually displayed as project location may vary due to factors such as project readiness of the implementing sponsor organization. Public transportation non-infrastructure based capital projects (i.e. capital rolling stock, vehicle equipment, operating and maintenance funding, etc.) are also not visually represented due to the nature of those projects being disbursed throughout the RMTD service area as part of regular public transit service provision and operations. For a complete list of all projects, please refer to the FY 2025-2028 TIP.
If you need additional information about the MPO's Interactive TIP, or guidance to find a project, please contact us at 815-319-4180 or email at info@r1planning.org.
Annual Listing of Obligated Projects (ALOP)
As required for all projects receiving federal funding, the MPO cooperatively develops a listing of all projects for which any federal funds were obligated in the preceding fiscal year of its Transportation Improvement Program (TIP.)
Archived TIPs
To view older TIPs and lists of projects, please contact Tim Verbeke, Transportation Principal at 815-319-4185 or by e-mail at tverbeke@r1planning.org