Livable Communities Initiative


The Livable Communities Initiative (LCI) aims to improve communities’ quality of life through sustainable, accessible, and vibrant development. LCI provides technical assistance to neighborhoods, helping them address livability challenges like housing, transportation, and economic growth. Neighborhoods that receive this assistance will later be eligible for funding to implement infrastructure projects. 
This program allows R1 to promote community well-being, inclusivity, and long-term economic sustainability. The second LCI application round opens on June 2, 2025. Updates will be shared on R1’s social media platforms and website to keep the community informed about upcoming developments and the opening of the next application round.

Visit our Engage R1 page to learn more about the first neighborhood selected, Keith Creek!

LCI includes two components: Technical Assistance and Implementation.

Technical Assistance Program

Technical assistance (TA) allows neighborhood organizations in the Rockford region to apply for planning support from R1. This support focuses on improving middle neighborhoods by balancing high-quality transportation, diverse housing options, vibrant community spaces, and sustainable economic growth. TA recipients will complete a planning document outlining a path for a stronger neighborhood – however, that looks for those residents. These plans could improve traffic safety, inadequate street lighting, sidewalk gaps, energy resilience, flooding, and blighted properties, but all will be in response to each neighborhood’s individual needs.
As each neighborhood is unique, the length of TA assistance will be tailored to the complexity of issues addressed. 

Implementation Program

Note: The Implementation program is available exclusively to communities that have successfully completed a TA plan.
The Implementation Program provides funding to carry out the infrastructure projects identified in TA plans. Local governments, in collaboration with the community, are eligible to apply to R1 for implementation funding. 

A map of middle neighborhood census tracts

Purpose & Intent

LCI intends to stabilize and reinvigorate middle neighborhoods - communities that are teetering between growth and decline. Typically, they are home to middle- and working-class families. 
Middle neighborhoods are especially vulnerable to economic decline because local and federal resources are often designated for downtown revitalization and “distressed neighborhood” projects. Without dedicated resources for middle neighborhoods, job availability can decrease, housing can continue to become outdated, and housing markets in those areas can shrink. Local jurisdictions often lack additional resources to invest in these neighborhoods.
LCI intends to address this gap by providing planning support and funds to restore these vulnerable areas.

Application Information

February 6, 2025              

R1 board approves Round 1 applications

April 24, 2025                    

Present Round 2 application guidelines to Community Advisory Forum (CAF)

June 2, 2025                       

Round 2 application period opens

August 4, 2025                  

Round 2 application period closes

August 21, 2025               

Neighborhoods present applications to CAF

The call for projects is a seven-month process, outlined below. 

Phase 1: Informational Meetings – One month before the call for projects opens, the Community Advisory Forum (CAF) will hold an informational meeting to explain the program to prospective applicants.

Phase 2: Application Period Opens – The application window opens. Project abstracts can be submitted to R1 for preliminary feedback. Feedback will be given about 7 days after the abstract is received by R1. The application window will be open for about 2 months.

Phase 3: Application Period Closes – Eligible projects are reviewed by a selection panel comprised of CAF members. Scoring is based on criteria published in the formal announcement.

Phase 4: Public Comment Period – The CAF releases final project recommendations for a 30-day public comment period. Finalists are asked to present their projects to R1’s CAF. Projects are then presented to the R1 Governing Board for consideration.

Phase 5: Project Awards – Once the CAF and R1 Governing Board have determined recipients, successful applicants are notified.

After Technical Assistance is Awarded:

If you have been awarded Technical Assistance by R1, next steps include:

  1. Meet with the R1 LCI representative(s)

  2. Participate in public engagement efforts

  3. Develop a neighborhood improvement plan

  4. Coordinate memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the City of Rockford

  5. Apply for the Implementation Program funds

Program Framework Principles

The goals of LCI are inspired by the HUD-DOT-EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities’ six livability principles: 

  1. Provide more transportation choices    
  2. Promote equitable, affordable housing
  3. Enhance economic competitiveness
  4. Support existing communities
  5. Coordinate policies and leverage investment
  6. Value communities and neighborhoods

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Livable Communities Initiative (LCI)?

LCI is an ongoing program developed by R1 to enhance the quality of life in middle neighborhoods in the Rockford Region. Through a detailed planning process, the program focuses on encouraging sustainable development, improving accessibility, and promoting economic growth. The initiative tackles key livability issues related to affordable housing, transportation, public spaces, and economic development.

Where does LCI funding come from?

Funding for LCI is sourced from a combination of public and private funding that may include local and state dollars. This diverse mix supports a variety of neighborhood revitalization projects across the region, helping to drive sustainable development.

How often can I apply for LCI funding?

The LCI program has an annual application process, with one round of applications each year. The process typically runs for seven months, starting with informational meetings and ending with the selection of funded projects. A neighborhood can apply to the LCI program each round until awarded.


Will R1 staff conduct community engagement during the initiative?

Yes, R1 staff will be directly involved in community engagement efforts, including hosting public meetings and workshops, gathering survey feedback, and other activities. Additionally, Engage R1 will provide regular updates about the awarded Keith Creek neighborhood. R1 partners with members of the LCI stakeholder group for broad community outreach and communication.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the application process or want to know more about the LCI program, please contact us!

Tim Verbeke – Transportation Principal

Phone: 815-319-4185