Brownfield Identification, Cleanup, and Reuse


R1 received $1 million in May 2023 from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to conduct environmental assessments and develop cleanup and re-use plans over the next four years for brownfield properties in Boone and Winnebago Counties. (To learn more about the grant, see the EPA’s announcement.)

R1 is looking for community recommendations on properties that may be eligible for brownfield cleanup. To submit a potential brownfield property recommendation, email Include the property's address, owner, and owner's contact information (if known), and your name and preferred contact information.

Target Areas and Site Examples:

green open lot

Broadway Corridor


 N 2nd St/IL-251 Corridor 


green open lot with several trees
two one-story houses with short driveways connecting to road



Auburn St Corridor


open grassy lot with sidewalk bordering road

Contact Us

To submit a potential brownfield site, contact Region 1 Planning Council


Phone : 815-319-4456

Brownfield Coalition Partners

Region 1 Planning Council

Rockford Mass Transit District (RMTD)

Boone County government

Winnebago County government

Fehr Graham (consultant)

What is a Brownfield Property?

A brownfield is an unused property where the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant (as defined by the EPA). Cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties increases local tax bases, facilitates job growth, utilizes existing infrastructure, takes development pressures off of undeveloped open land, and improves and protects the environment.

The process of cleaning up brownfield sites generally follows a seven-step process:

1.     Community outreach to determine potential cleanup sites

2.     Site identification

3.     Securing site access from property owner

4.     Phase I Environmental Site Assessment conducted

5.     Phase II Environmental Site Assessment conducted if necessary

6.     Cleanup plan drafted

7.     Site reuse plan drafted

For a searchable map of cleanups in your community, see the EPA’s Cleanups in My Community tool.

How Can I Help Cleanup Efforts?

·       Submit a property to Include the potential property’s address, owner with their contact information (if known), and your name and preferred contact information.

·       Spread the word within your community.

·       Check this site for updates as sites are selected and cleanups are completed.